U3 Explore will host a booth at the GSH Spring Symposium, where new ideas are shared, lessons learned, and colleagues meet and network. We will be showcasing our first results of the collaboration between U3 Explore and Global Tectonics. We will demonstrate the value of the regional gravity datasets in understanding basin evolution, deformation, and petroleum systems development

The First EAGE Caribbean Energy Opportunities Conference explores important aspects of the region's energy landscape. This event focuses on Exploration and Production (E&P), particularly prospectivity in complex geological settings, exploration in frontier areas, and the E&P history of the Caribbean and Guyana-Suriname Basin.

Subsurface Characterization Projects Regional play-based Geology and Geophysicist assessments for oil and gas, and decarbonization projects Geostrategic exploration advisory Geoscience and engineering project economics and management Data collection/management and methodologies QA/QC Geospatial enablement 2D/3D Seismic planning, acquisition, processing, and interpretation

Come join us at The Cannon West for a fun and exciting in-person networking event! If you're looking to connect with The Cannon Community of like-minded individuals and expand your professional circle, this is the place to be. Get ready to exchange ideas and build valuable relationships with fellow professionals from AVGEO and U3. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to network and grow your connections!

This event offers international and domestic purchasers a unique chance to connect, reconnect, and make deals on domestic and international levels. You can meet an ambassador from Australia, a lease negotiator from Canada, and a geologist from Louisiana all in one place. Our growing attendee base also includes the renewable energy sector, service and capital providers, and legal counsel. With that much decision-making power accessible at NAPE, deals happen.

AAPG’s Canada and Latin America & Caribbean Regions invite you to join us for Optimizing Exploration Workflows: Bridging Expertise between the Rockies and the Andes, a geosciences technology workshop (GTW) designed to facilitate learning, sharing, and open discussion among all attendees.

Two full days of technical presentations and panel discussions, with four sessions dedicated to themes on Basin Entry Risking, Prospect Portfolio (Play-based) Risking, Advanced Topics in Geophysics, and the future of subsurface characterization and geoscience.

Coastline Exploration Ltd is hosting a booth and presenting at the event our exploration blocks offshore Somalia. FIND NEW EXPLORATION OPPORTUNITIES at a truly global event focused on prospecting, exploration business transaction, and deal-making for the oil and gas E&P sector - for prospects, exploration assets, products, service providers, investors, and all decision-makers necessary to participate in a deal.

Members of the U3 Explore network will showcase the exploration potential offshore Somalia at the 10th Oil and Gas - International Trade Exhibition in Nairobi, Kenya. This represents a unique opportunity to talk to the team describing the world’s last remaining unexploited basins with multi-billion-barrel potential.

The 2021 Energy Opportunities Conference took place online. It featured two days of presentations and panel discussions along two primary themes: Geopolitical Context and Sustainable Development Framework and Resources and Technologies Fueling the Energy Transition. Additional components included Country Snapshots, highlighting licensing, bid rounds, investment opportunities, and the U-Pitch Technology showcase featuring cutting-edge, transformative technology and services.

El programa técnico está dividido en cinco grandes áreas del conocimiento y cada una subdividida en diversas temáticas de interés: Ambiente, suelos y agua.Petróleo y gas. Minería. Sismología, ingeniería sísmica y riesgos socio naturales. Geociencias básicas y aplicadas.

Members of the U3 Explore network will showcase the exploration potential offshore Somalia at the 7th East Africa Oil and Gas - International Trade Exhibition in Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania. This represents a unique opportunity to talk to the team describing the world’s last remaining unexploited basins with multi-billion-barrel potential.

Attend a panel discussion on best practices in Carbon Storage and Utilization projects, participate in business-to-business meetings, and talk to vendors about new and exciting products built on years of industry experience. In the booth, we will be presenting the redesigned and expanded Cossey Deepwater Database, previously widely used in frontier exploration areas. It is now hosted by U3 Explore as a U3D product and is ready to be used in subsurface characterization in carbon storage projects as well as for basin opening and resource assessment studies.

Dr. Kevin Schofield explains the purpose and logistics of the practical virtual classroom: Integrated Projects: A beginner's guide or Everything you wanted to know about working on the project but were afraid to ask. The course is based on an MSc-level week-long course taught for a UK University contracted to a major NOC.

Participate in the analysis of the poly-phase structural history of basement evolution that we believe better describes the primary origin and consequent subsidence patterns observed in time and space on the Demerara and Guinea marginal plateaus.

Participants will gain an understanding of the Geologic framework for critical risk factors of a Tertiary carbonate play in Colombian-Venezuelan sedimentary basins along the Caribbean margin of South America

U3Explore Unlocks Untold, Unfiltered stories of people with exploratory mindsets sharing their vast experiences. Problem-solving skills are the heart of what we do. The art of asking the right questions came with experience and collegial conversations. We continue them in our U3 Explore virtual events. We want to invite our existing and new readers to register for our VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE and ask us any question that might be on your mind these days.

Participants will identify different tectonic and structural styles as products of the geologic events and understand their connection to the formation of the elements of the petroleum systems of the sedimentary basins. The topics covered in this training are: The Geodynamic framework associated with sedimentary basins: Divergent, Convergent, and Transform margins The predominant structural styles in sedimentary basins. The types of structural deformations associated with salt and shale tectonics. Concepts of the evolution of the basins: from the rift-to-drift and the foreland basins.

This course will cover basic principles of biostratigraphic analysis required to explore and develop hydrocarbons at a basin, field, or prospect scale. A participant will learn techniques of the integration of biostratigraphic information into project work. The course will cover a description of paleoenvironments, construction of depositional environment maps, generation of the chronostratigraphic framework, interpretation of the stratigraphic sequences, and identification of the geological events that define the petroleum system.

Este curso orientara en la identificación de los análisis bioestratigraficos requeridos para la exploración y desarrollo de una cuenca, campo, área, o prospecto. El participante tendrá las herramientas para integrar la información bioestratigrafica en la elaboración de mapas paleoambientales, establecer el marco cronoestratigráfico para interpretar las secuencias estratigráficas y los eventos del sistema petrolero.

Panelists will share their virtual business experiences and will discuss: What technologies and practices have we tried and tested while working from home? How does the value delivery change in the virtual office? What additional tools and technologies does virtualization bring that might change the way we work?

El marco Geodinámico asociado a las cuencas sedimentarias: Divergentes,Convergentes y Transformantes. Los estilos estructurales predominantes en las cuencas sedimentarias. Los tipos de deformaciones estructurales asociados a la tectónica salina y de arcillas. Conceptos relacionados con la evolución de las cuencas: del rift al drift y las cuencas antepais.

An introduction to how integrated projects are structured, and the work that moves them forward. This short course is an essential summary of a Masters-level course module taught for a UK university. It is based around an explanation of the Stage-Gate Process within which well-run projects are structured and provides a practical explanation of the work elements contributing to the decisions necessary to resolve risk, uncertainty, and value through the lifetime of a project.

You are invited to a virtual discussion with two geology experts: Francia Galea Alvarez and Juan Francisco Arminio in collaboration with Irene Truskowski and Marel Sanchez and facilitated by Kevin Schofield: Oil and gas opportunities assessments in Eastern Venezuelan and Maracaibo basins. In this interactive virtual session, they will focus on key value drivers in these super-giant basins sharing their experience and knowledge of the subject.

The implication of over-reliance on a potentially aliased dataset described by creaming curve patterns. Yet-to-Find statistics based on future Field-Size-Distribution. Examine a case study of going into the basin with a poor exploration record. Analyze the required level of understanding of success and failures.

Este curso cubre aspectos fundamentales de Interpretación Cuantitativa, Modelado de Presión de Poros y Análisis de Estabilidad de Hoyo. El contenido del curso abarca desde la discusión de resultados teóricos a la presentación de flujos de trabajos prácticos que pueden ser aplicados directamente en las diferentes áreas de trabajos geo-científicos. Se presentan herramientas de Física de Rocas para los estudios de Inversión Sísmica y Presión de Poros, que permitan un condicionamiento robusto de los resultados a realidades y escenarios de procesos geológicos, tales como diagénesis, historia de soterramiento y cambios en los ambientes sedimentarios.

Este curso presenta un programa que permite identificar la conexión entre las normativas nacionales, internacionales y transnacionales que interactúan a diario en la industria de los hidrocarburos. El curso se basa en ejemplos prácticos del sector petrolero y del gas, que muestran la internacionalización del régimen jurídico Esta internacionalización se basa en criterios de eficiencia que permite a operadores internacionales de la industria realizar actividades en múltiples jurisdicciones, bajo el uso de las buenas prácticas generalmente aceptadas de la industria internacional del petróleo y del gas. Los participantes tendrán acceso a colecciones de artículos, presentaciones, contratos modelos, estándares de la industria y tratados internacionales que son aplicables a diario en la industria del petróleo. El curso tiene una duración de 10 horas divididas en 4 sesiones de 2.5 horas, dictadas en línea por la plataforma Zoom.

Definition of the geospatial datasets for synthesis and analysis; Cartographic principals and generalizations for effective communication and/or analysis; Modification of information precision and accuracy requirements through the lifecycle of the Project. Use of a Map as a query-enabled spatial database for geospatial analysis.