U3 Explore Venezuela project is focused on reducing the risks in FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) into the Venezuelan energy sector. The first step towards this goal is the creation of a validated and reliable digital knowledge repository of Venezuela's oil and gas and natural resources via cloud-based Sustainable Development Data Center (SDDC).

U3 EXPLORE Venezuela Project
The goal of the project is to reduce the risks in FDI (Foreign Direct Investment)into the Venezuelan energy sector. The first step towards this goal is the U3 EXPLORE Venezuela network. Broad and scattered industry experience need to be aggregated, validated, and organized in a logical manner on a modern and accessible cloud-based digital platform (SDDC - Sustainable Development Data Center)
Our first phase is focused on subsurface to surface information and expertise. The next phases to follow will cover legal, commercial, and environmental aspects. This project is hosted by the U3Explore.com platform - the product of a partnership between Actus Veritas Geoscience, LLC, and code t3. “U3 Explore Venezuela” is hosted in Houston, Texas, and accessible worldwide for collaboration.
U3 Explore Venezuela Project as completed the pilot phase (12 months) of the project and is currently raising a working capital to cover the operational expenses of phase 1 for the next 2 years. These funds will cover project management, subject matter experts' time required for information review, validation, and updates, technology, digitization, marketing, travel, and other operational expenses. The investment is recoverable from (1) – future bid rounds for producing and exploratory leases, (2) - increased HC production from recent artificial sharp production decline due to asset mismanagement.
Our technology partner, code t3, delivers rapid development and deployment of cloud-native applications to enable efficient information and data collection, validation, and analysis. Before the outbreak of Covid-19, U3Ven assembled a network of experts that has more than 70 specialists residing in in 13 countries and collaboratively working in a virtual environment.
We would like to schedule a web meeting please set appointment with you to explain the details of the project and to answer any questions you might have.
As a part of the initial assessment our team visit in Miami, Florida to Francia Galea and Irene Truskowski, who show us the sample of their private collection, basically, all their non-digital information and their format. We made a video showing some of this information to be digitized and cataloged in a database.
2022 Report on U3 EXPLORE – Venezuela Project Sustainable Development of Venezuela’s natural resources
U3 Explore Venezuela Project aims to deliver an SDDC(Sustainable Development Data Center) a digital repository of accurate and validated knowledge of Venezuela’s oil & gas industry. The vision of SDDC is to be a go-to digital library for the validated data and analytical derivatives of these data to facilitate decision-making in energy transition and natural resources development in Venezuela. This project is running form ore than two years and is focused on the assessment of the extent of digitalization needed to collect and validate publicly and privately available data and interpretations.