The exploration of Cerro Impacto and the Great Cacaro Dyke presents a significant opportunity to implement a sustainable development approach to mining. With their rich mineral potential in Southern Venezuela's Guayana region, future investors could develop in a manner that ensures minimal environmental impact, responsible resource extraction, and long-term economic benefits. Adopting advanced geophysical methods for initial assessments allows for a low-impact exploration strategy, ensuring that only the most promising areas are targeted for future development.

U3 Explore leverages cutting-edge geoscience expertise and digital innovation to transform energy exploration and investment. Integrating data-driven analytics, advanced geologic modeling, and a collaborative network of specialists enables faster, more reliable decision-making for energy companies. Its platform enhances basin evaluations, de-risks investments, and optimizes strategies through specialized insights and digital workflows, ensuring smarter, more efficient exploration in a rapidly evolving energy landscape.

The U3 Explore Venezuela project is focused on reducing the risks in FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) into the Venezuelan energy sector. The first step towards this goal is the creation of a validated and reliable digital knowledge repository of Venezuela's oil, gas, and natural resources via a cloud-based Sustainable Development Data Center (SDDC).

As a generation of professionals reaches retirement age, preserving their personal document collections and maintaining access to their legacy knowledge is crucial for the global oil and gas industry. AI provides powerful tools to address this challenge, but we can only succeed with their support. The time to act is now.

The Eastern Venezuela Basin (EVB) is a world-class hydrocarbon province that, despite a long industrial history, still offers essential business opportunities from developed fields with significant volumetric upside to new play-based exploration opportunities. The EVB also has sizeable potential from large, undeveloped volumes of heavy and extra-heavy oil and natural gas to support energy transition-related industrial streams, including blue and brown hydrogen, CCS–Carbon Capture and Storage, oil upgraders, and petrochemical plants.

We are instrumental in our pathway to digital transformation for sustainable natural resource management. By fostering a culture of collaboration among subject matter experts (SME) professionals in the public and private sectors, we can enhance decision-making, inform policymaking, and increase transparency in the energy sector.

The Vaca Muerta Formation in the Neuquén Basin, Argentina, is a highly promising unconventional reservoir, but understanding its productive limits and sweet spots requires extensive geochemical data. Unfortunately, such data is scarce, especially around major production blocks, with only a few wells providing it. To address this, the report generates a synthetic curve based on the sonic log (DT) to estimate Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content.

El video se presentó en el ciclo de Charlas de VAPA- VenAmerica, y trata sobre la ventajas competitivas en la región desde el punto de vista energético, de sostenibilidad y de desarrollo de Venezuela en un futuro cercano, una vez que el país supere las actuales dificultades políticas. Con el talento humano y la riqueza de los recursos naturales de Venezuela, se puede crear el mejor lugar del mundo para invertir, trabajar y vivir. Se expone una narrativa para capitalizar el potencial energético de Venezuela.

The main objective of this review is to compare the geology of these two conjugate margins of Nova Scotia and Cadiz /Gharb. The methodology includes are view of key public scientific references, to summarize the main geological features, such as geodynamic evolution, stratigraphic column, and salt tectonics calendar

Our approach was to deploy the wisdom and knowledge of a group of experts in petroleum geology with a track record as oil finders in Venezuela to re-contextualize relationships between scattered information sources, placing them into a geological framework that may be used to support life-of-field extensions for existing producing properties and for generating new opportunities through play-based exploration in Venezuela.

With statistical analysis used in various economic forecasting, it is essential to have a relevant framework to group parameters characterizing the technical aspects of the projects into meaningful analysis. In the Petroleum industry, lease blocks are selected based on the remaining reserves' potential and geologic insights to unlock possible discoveries even in mature basins. Significant upside potential exists in Venezuela's petroleum assets, where the oil and gas industry stopped a natural petroleum province maturation process due to political reasons in the early 2000s.

The talk visits the fundamentals of CO2 geological storage and utilization with an emphasis on a the opportunity that our countries could at this point begin to capitalize in this Energy Transition context, with favorable impacts for economy, industry and geopolitical positioning.

Entre las técnicas de control del CO2 atmosférico, la Captura y Almacenamiento Subterráneo de Carbono (CCUS) constituye una de las más viables para para suprimir a escala industrial CO2 atmosférico y de emisores industriales concentrados, almacenándolo permanentemente en recipientes geológicos a escala masiva. En Latinoamérica, la masificación de CCUS puede constituir una importante oportunidad comercial que puede apoyarse de extremo a extremo en conocimientos y tecnologías establecidas y desarrolladas desde hace décadas en la Industria y Academia de la misma región.

The original Cossey Deepwater Turbidite Database is now available in an updated format through U3D (the database branch of U3 Explore); the database has been completely custom upgraded to a new software version with an enhanced searching interface and new analytics options.

The Geodatabase's purpose is to collect tables with spatial location information for the layers, integrating geological, geophysical, and topographical information. This information is used to identify and characterize potential subsurface prospects, optimizing resources in project execution and reducing time in data analysis. Commonly used GIS analysis tools are correlation, superposition, blending, and information reclassification. Such methods allow fast and efficient spatial data integration for further standardization and publication.

The authors have used those data to generate a play-level analysis of the petroleum system on the Somali passive margin. Clastic and Carbonate plays have been identified. It has been recognized that the Jurassic source rocks in the basin, unlike the equivalent interval to the south, are largely still within the oil window. This abstract summarizes the portion of that study describing the carbonate play.

Offshore Eastern Africa emerged as a significant new petroleum province through the second decade of the 21st century (2018; Davison and Steele, 2018; Sayers, 2017; Davidson et al., 2018). A combination of Jurassic source rocks (unpenetrated but inferred, e.g. Sayers, 2017) and Cretaceous and Tertiary clastic reservoirs came together to deliver world-class gas discoveries in the offshore basins of Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique.

A searchable database of worldwide Deepwater reservoirs (the Cossey Deepwater Database) was used to define sets of analogue data for clastic play fairways mapped in offshore Somalia. This methodology was chosen because the Somalian margin has minimal available well data, but does have good quality 2D seismic data from which reservoir presence and depth could be inferred. Using the analogues defined in this way enabled the definition of credible predictive ranges under a variety of scenarios to input to volumetric models, thereby capturing the shape of the uncertainty distribution.

An interpretation of the petroleum system on the passive margin of the Somali coast was developed by modeling the evolution of the three sub-basins within it: The Jubba Deep, Mogadishu, and Mid-Somalia High (Figure 1). The basin model was underpinned by developing a new Plate Tectonic visualization using the UTIG Plates model (Plates Project, 2020) for the margin that evolved as Madagascar separated from Africa, and the subsequent separation of India.

The seismic data were interpreted in time and depth domains and with the aid of some computational seismic attributes used to enhance the imaging of the geology. On a regional scale, vertical trace attributes correlated through the dataset helped to improve geologic interpretation. They enabled the separation of the geologic sequences and correlation with the regional tectonic events in the basin.

Las metas globales de decarbonizar industrias y migrar a energías limpias requiren masificar el almacenamiento geológico de carbono (CCS): una tecnología probada, funcional y escalable que aprovecha espacio poroso de almacenamiento de amplia disponibilidad. Dadas las condiciones de borde del país, masificar CCS puede abrir para Venezuela importantes oportunidades de crear proyectos industriales nuevos y aprovecharCCS para decarbonizar el parque industrial, apalancado a conveniencia en recuperación mejorada de crudos. Además, el país disfruta de importantes ventajas competitivas dada la e

Herbert Clark Hoover, geólogo graduado e ingeniero de minas como desarrollo de carrera, fue electo presidente de los Estados Unidos de América el 6 de noviembre de 1928 y asumió como Presidente No. 31 el 4 de marzo de 1929. Fue presidente en el periodo 1929-1933. La Primera Dama Lou Henry Hoover fue la primera geóloga graduada en la Universidad de Stanford. Ellos son los únicos geocientíficos en ocupar la Casa Blanca.En su trayectoria hemos encontrado una relación entre esta pareja presidencial de los Estados Unidos de América y Venezuela, especialmente en lo relativo a Geología.

Dr. Kevin Schofield explains the purpose and logistics of the practical virtual classroom: Integrated Projects: A beginner's guide or Everything you wanted to know about working on the project but were afraid to ask. The course is based on an MSc-level week-long course taught for a UK University contracted to a major NOC.

Esta es una lista actualizada que incluye la respectiva sinonimia, de foraminíferos de las costas de Venezuela. El compendio incluye alrededor de 4.514 registros para 1.035 especies distribuidas a lo largo de la costa venezolana, incluido el correspondiente a las islas. De este total, 271 especies son endémicas de Venezuela. Las publicaciones recopiladas datan de 1918 a 2021. Los grupos Rotailida, Miliolida y Textulariida se destacan como los más importantes dentro de la composición de especies, acumulando el 84% del total, siendo los otros grupos Lagenida, Nodosairida, Spirilinida, etc.

The collection and integration of terrestrial (more than 116 surveys), aerial and satellite gravimetric data carried out by Professor Víctor Graterol for more than 50 years is available through U3 EXPLORE, it includes historical terrestrial data from the main Latin American agencies: Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) – INGEMET. Agustín Codazzi Geographical Institute (IGAC), Simón Bolívar Geographical Institute (IGSB), Simón Bolívar University in Venezuela (USB), NOAA, BGI, National Hydrocarbons Agency of Colombia (ANH), National Observatory of Brazil and Petroecuador....

La recopilación e integración de datos gravimétricos terrestres (mas de 116 levantamientos), aéreos y satelitales realizada por el Profesor Víctor Graterol por más de 50 años se encuentra disponible a través de U3 EXPLORE, incluye datos historicos terrestres de las principales agencias latinoamericanas: Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) – INGEMET. Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC), Instituto Geográfico Simón Bolívar (IGSB), Universidad Simón Bolívar en Venezuela (USB), NOAA, BGI, Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos de Colombia (ANH), Observatorio Nacional de Brazil y Petroecuador....

More than 4800 oil and gas professionals gathered at the 83d Annual EAGE Exhibition and Conference in Madrid in June of 2022, under the banner of “Leading the Geosciences in a New Era”. The Energy Transition was, of course, the crux of the “New Era” of the conference banner, and was probably foremost in everyone's mind as they prepared to attend early in the year, but inevitably current events in Europe overshadowed the meeting, bringing energy security challenges to the forefront.

Seis décadas de mi ejercicio profesional los dedique en gran parte a actividades docentes e investigación, inicialmente en la Universidad Central de Venezuela y mayormente en el Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra de la Universidad Simón Bolívar. También, en trabajos de asesoría e interpretación de datos potenciales para CARSON Aerogravity y empresas petroleras principalmente con operaciones de exploración en Paraguay, Argentina, Perú, Ecuador, Colombia y Venezuela.

Our services provide reduction of uncertainty in subsurface characterization during carbon subsurface storage permit application, construction authorization, and site operations, which requires a consistent approach using data quality and reliability assessment and applying statistically valid data analysis to better understand subsurface variability.

We summarize preliminary results of the structural styles obtained from a bibliographic review and our expertise related to the tectonic analysis, the performance of quality controls, and the balanced cross-sections throughout these basins. The seismic interpretation and the review of the surface geology also included in this work allow delimiting several structural domains. This paper will be published at the 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition

Neogene's tectonic evolution of the southern Gulf of México (Campeche sub-basin) is associated with intense salt-mobilization, and it can be separated into 3 main episodes: 1. Late Oligocene (?) - early Miocene to middle Miocene: salt-rooted thrusts running parallel to the Paleogene Zongolica front that generated a series of northwest-southeast oriented anticlines.. 2. Late Miocene – Pliocene extension: NE-SW Macuspana depocenter. 3. Pliocene – Quaternary extension: NE-SW Comalcalco. This paper will be presented at the 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition 2022 in Madrid.

We propose that the Play-Based methodology for characterizing the exploration potential of an area developed and successfully used in Petroleum exploration during the last two decades should be deployed for the characterization of the risks and uncertainties of the Area of Review (AoR) as defined by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Class 6 well (CCUS) permit approval process. Because both the application for an injection project permit is iterative, and because the development of a carbon sequestration project is a long-term, capital-intensive, multi-stage process, we further propose

The Faja Orinoco and the Alberta Oil Sands are the two largest heavy oil accumulations on Earth. The two deposits bear many geological similarities. The ‘heavy primary’ production scheme is similar to that implemented in thinner Alberta Oil Sands. Recovery factors are low (~10%); Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) has been piloted, not implemented. Based on industry experience in the Alberta Oil Sands, adaptations of tEOR (SAG-D, CSS), and polymer flood, appear well-suited to the Faja Orinoco. Significant potential exists for undeveloped reservoirs, as well as improving recovery factors.

Lessons learned from the most significant oil sand production in Canada - an understanding of dependencies between heavy oil/bitumen production methods and local geology. The more common thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery (tEOR) is Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAG-D) having enabled a recovery factor of 60% to 85%.

U3 Explore Venezuela Project aims to deliver an SDDC (Sustainable Development Data Center) a digital repository of accurate and validated knowledge of Venezuela’s oil & gas industry. The vision of SDDC is to be a go-to digital library for the validated data and analytical derivatives of these data to facilitate decision-making in energy transition and natural resources development in Venezuela. This project is running for more than two years and is focused on the assessment of the extent of digitalization needed to collect and validate publicly and privately available data and interpretations

A world-class Cretaceous source rock, Querecual Formation, is a foundation for a prolific petroleum system in the Eastern Venezuela Basin. This formation marks the main anoxia event that extends to Trinidad and Guyana (Naparima Hill, and Canje). This genetic relationship provides a geological baseline for analyzing the critical risk factors in play assessments in the region.

Our work analyses the historic Enhanced Oil Recovery methods (EOR) applied in the Ayacucho block of the Huyapari area in Venezuela's Orinoco Oil Belt and the Quifa field in Colombia. Our collaborative team has analyzed various technological alternatives for production optimization.

Look back studies help review exploratory concepts in light of recent advances. With a regional look focused on critical elements of the petroleum system, we present here a review of the Oligo –Neogene play of carbonates and related clastics present both offshore and onshore in the South Caribbean and hosts gas accumulations that range from small to medium and giant in five basins of Colombia and Venezuela.

The EPA application process for the injection project permit is an iterative process, requiring the completion of an extensive questionnaire that covers a detailed description of the subsurface, addressing regional and local aspects of the storage container. We propose that the Play-based assessment methodology developed and successfully used in Petroleum exploration during the last two decades could be deployed for the characterization of the risks and uncertainties of the Area of Review (AoR) as defined by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Class 6 well (CCUS) permit approval process.

Hydrocarbon accumulations in a Tertiary carbonate play in sedimentary basins of northern South America range from small to medium to giant. The fields are located both onshore and in shallow waters of the southern Caribbean Sea. Recent discoveries and wide variation in the play's field sizes generate renewed interest in the exploration in the region onshore and offshore. The exploratory risk could be reduced by a better understanding of controls on the field size distribution and reservoir presence and/or quality.

Demerara and Guinea plateaus are plate-margin conjugate structures in South America and Africa, respectively. They have experienced at least two phases of non-orthogonal extension punctuated by a phase of transpressional deformation in the Early Cretaceous prior to the opened connection between Central and Equatorial Atlantic was established. First presented at AAPG Caribbean Technical Symposium Summit 2021

La revision de información geográfica es crítica para la delimitación de areas en contrato de exploration de recursos minerales y de hidrocarburos. La actualización validada de los datos geográficos requieren un constante seguimiento para evitar el solape entre los polígonos que delimitan estas áreas y bloques, provocados por asignaciones erróneas de los sistemas de coordenadas cuando fueron digitalizados o impresos, provocando incertidumbre sobre precisión y delimitación.

The energy transition is not new for mankind. People managed to transition and adapt to a variety of energy resources and changing environments from wood-burning stoves to nuclear power. Only crisis pushes humans to change, such as the infamous fog of London in December of 1952 that killed thousands of people. After that, the local air pollution was hard to ignore and it brought a clean air act. Today we are empowered by a variety of technologies and scientific understanding that we should not ignore and put into good use. Educated actions, not slogans are required to succeed.

Complete biostratigraphic services at Biostratigraphy Laboratory: Department of Environmental Studies is provided by the lead investigator Professor Humberto Carvajal Chitti. The list of services includes micropaleontology (foraminifera), calcareous nanoplankton, palynology, palynofacies, well site biostratigraphy, stratigraphic reviews, correlation studies for a minimum of 50 samples from wells or outcrops.

Generar un modelo de competencias personalizada diseñados para reconocer los conocimientos, habilidades y destrezas del capital humano, alineando su aporte a las necesidades de las organizaciones y llevar a cabo exitosamente los procesos de selección. Los conceptos y metodologías que cubren este programa de gestión por competencias, coadyuvará al participante a: construir y generar el valor en su empresa u organización, ampliar canales de comunicación dentro de la misma y mejorar en el desempeño gerencial y de su gente

Biostratigraphy is the science concerned with fossils contained in the rocks for dating and defining the depositional environment. This paper shows some examples of biostratigraphy as a supportive tool for the search for oil in Venezuela. The examples selected from a large amount of work done in the past in different basins.

La gestión por competencias en un mundo cambiante y globalizado en que vivimos fruto de la reforma del orden económico mundial, lleno de nuevos conceptos que recibimos a una velocidad que apenas nos permite procesarlos cuando ya estamos cambiando de paradigma, debemos estar cada vez más claros en hacia dónde dirigirnos y cuáles son las técnicas de gestión que nos garantizarán el éxito en el mercado competitivo en el cual nos desenvolvemos.

Se analiza el conocimiento geológico de la cuenca de Guyana y de los datos disponibles en Venezuela, considerando que la evolución geológica no es determinada por limites geopolíticos, y exponer así las posibles oportunidades existentes, incluyendo la potencial extensión del “play” Liza hacia el área del Delta del Orinoco costa afuera, y considerando otras oportunidades asociadas con la influencia tectónica del margen sureste del Caribe y los sistemas petrolíferos identificados a lo largo del noreste de Sudamérica, desde el Paleozoico hasta el Neógeno

U3 Explore is now one year old, and here are the highlights of our first year. U3 stands for Unlocked, Untold, Unfiltered stories of people with exploratory mindsets. These people have analytical and determined personalities. They like to collect information and figure out the meaning of their observations. They are proactive in preserving and communicating years of institutional knowledge in the integrated project delivery.

Many ascribe the recent successes of Machine Learning to an increase in available compute power; it is however also a result of 25+ years of intensive scientific research and experiences gleaned from the investment of time and money into understanding and correctly describing geoscience problems associated with petroleum systems that contribute wisdom to the outputs of a machine learning process. We have compiled a list of the top 10 geoscience concepts that machine learning -for all its strengths and benefits - is currently incapable of understanding.

Ten months into the virtualization experiment, it is time to analyze what we have learned so far and how we can use this experience in 2021. In October-November of 2020, the U3 Explore community conducted a survey to compare the notes on the people's experience in a virtual environment and held a panel discussion of virtual working practitioners. Today we share a quick summary of the survey results and the highlights of our hour and a half panel discussion on November 18th.

2020 is coming to an end, and it is time to reflect on it and plan for 2021. Virtual experiences have touched us all. Many of you were forced to adapt rapidly without prior experiences in virtual meetings and virtual business administration. The U3 Explore community had many private conversations on virtual business with our technology partners and found the advice we provide for each other very valuable. We want to extend the knowledge of the subject, share our experiences, and answer any questions on the best practices of the orchestration of the virtual office's business activities.

Remote Sensing Satellites are great because of its availability, cost-effectiveness, and easy to program tasks. On the other hand, in most countries, you have to go through a lengthy process to be able to take an aerial photograph (digital or analog) if you use an aircraft. This is one of the many advantages to use satellites instead of aircraft and also It is more practical from the project standpoint. But sometimes you need high-resolution imagery to perform engineering or cadastral grade work. Would it be neat to be able to do it with satellite imagery instead?

The best new techniques that are appearing in geoscience toolkits today make use of Machine Learning and AI technologies to analyze massive quantities of seismic data with understood geological codependences. Coincident with the rapid acceptance and deployment of these tools by major E&P companies must however come a pivot in the way that we as geoscientists approach interpretation. In this paper we focus on the new balance between human and machine roles in the interpretation of 3D seismic data.

An updated analysis of Conomita Fold outcrop (Barranquin Fm.) was performed using an image of a field-trip guide-book organized by PDVSA in 1993: Excursion al Frente de Montaña, Venezuela Oriental (Stop # 5). “Remote” structural analysis carried-out along this outcrop reveals the existence of several deformation episodes related to gravity-driven processes. Conomita fold appears to be a slump feature generated in a deltaic setting. Early Cretaceous rocks were strongly tilted during the Miocene-Recent tectonics phase contemporaneously to El Pilar right-lateral strike-slip fault.

What do the two sciences need to know about each other to deliver practical results? On the image above is a wavelet displayed to scale next to a wave-shaped building. Appreciation of scale is one of the skills critical in oil and gas AI projects. On the other side, to be a successful petroleum geoscientist in the post-COVID requires a set of very specific new skills in addition to the understanding of geologic concepts. These new skills are not normally associated with geoscience but are fast becoming critical for geoscientists to operate in an E&P environment.

Este reporte describe el contenido los mapas de Anomalía de Bouguer e Intensidad Total magnética generados de los datos del Instituto Geofísico del Perú, La Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos (ANH) de Colombia, el Instituto Geográfico Simón Bolívar de Venezuela y Petroecuador son las instituciones responsables de las redes gravimétricas nacionales y de las Redes de Segundo Orden a lo largo de los Puntos de Nivelación y Triangulación Geodésica en cada país. Más de 72 levantamentos de diferentes datos fueron procesados e integrados regionalmente.

Let’s face it: what really got hit badly across the oil and gas industry is the confidence of employees which comes with experience. Without confidence in what they are doing people get consumed by meaningless processes hoping they will lead them somewhere. Meaningful work is defined by building competencies which in turn provide an employee with autonomy and relevance to the common goal. What are the critical skills for a new generation of geoscientists?

For the case-study, multiple producing plays of the NE margin of South America in the Maracaibo basin and Eastern Venezuelan Basin (EVB) have been analyzed. Most of the plays have sizable remaining resources that sit in rather complex tectonic and stratigraphic settings, and have significant remaining potential as ~75% of the basin area has not been assessed or explored using modern methods.

It is overall our view that creaming curve analysis is most valuable when it discriminates between the plays and playtests, when it may indeed identify missed opportunities or even new plays when combined with as thorough an understanding of the history of the basin as possible. "Lumping" the statistics together appears not to serve this purpose, at least in predictive mode, when trying to build a new portfolio and incorporate the potential value of speculative or conceptual plays.

Our objective is to create a cloud-native decision support platform for sustainable development in Venezuela. SDDC will support sustainable exploitation of Venezuela's mineral resources and deployment of renewable energy projects to satisfy energy and fuel demands in a sustainable manner and progress the social development of Venezuela.

El libro pretende dar no solo una visión condensada y sencilla de la Geología de Guayana y sus Recursos Minerales, sino un texto de consulta que informe sobre la realidad de su riqueza minera. Un texto que -al ser consultado- permita rápidamente ubicar al lector lejos de los mitos que rodean la minería en Venezuela y colocarlo frente a lo más relevante de los estudios que hasta ahora se han realizado. Un texto -en fin- de consulta fácil, concreta y libre de fantasía. Sí, la minería usualmente aparece muy sazonada con fantasía tipo El Dorado de la Colonia o El Arco Minero del Orinoco de hoy.

Basin and play exploration are inherently governed by the management of risk and uncertainty at the portfolio level. Exploration investment decisions biased by risk-averse teams are susceptible to first-order basin statistics which may reflect a historical “poor” exploration history and exhaustion of existing play concepts. New concepts, new models, new thinking, and consideration of alternatives often result in a paradigm shift despite previous negative results.

As a consequence of COVID-19, most trade shows and events planned during 2020-2021 will be virtual, which places new demands on the exhibitors. To differentiate the company or the opportunities available for sale, and to draw the attention of the event visitors, new digital offerings are required.

José Lázaro Jefe Ejecutivo de eMan para Norteamérica, explica cómo PetroXP puede ayudar desde el punto de vista tecnológico y de innovación a las compañías y cuáles oportunidades tecnológicas pudieran implementarse en la industria de Petróleo y Gas para optimizar costos, mejorar la eficiencia en operaciones, crear una mejor conectividad de los procesos y optimizar las comunicaciones?

The purpose of the survey is to collect information across different companies and geographies and help the industry in recovery after the crisis. There are many publications about how lost we became and the recognition that people want to return to a "new normal." There is an understanding that this "new normal" should reflect not only our new hygiene practices but also help us to reconnect with our lives, families, and friends, make our work more meaningful, and help us to focus on things that are important in our lives.

The playbook for fiscal responsibility has an accepted approach in the low-price environment: cut cost. But what gets cut first, and do we cut an opportunity to grow in the future? If you could find Guyana basin today - would you? We continue to explore these questions in private conversations with C-Level Executives testing different perceptions shared behind closed doors. We hope these insights are considered to help the industry to emerge from the crisis in a better state.

Интервью во время карантина: Современные и экономически выгодные компьютерные системы включающие в себя программы, хранилище данных и способы работы с ними, разработанные и оптимизированные в 21м веке, позволяют компаниям быстро перейти на полный удаленный метод работы с максимальным экономическим успехом.

For a short course based on a module on Play-based Exploration taught for a University of Leeds (UK) MSc programme, I wanted to include a section on cognitive bias, a topic Alexei Milkov has covered extensively (Milkov, 2015; Milkov, 2017). The second paper, examining one particular corporate exploration effort, provides an opportunity to analyze one aspect of Milkov’s work (the use of “Base Rate” statistics for prognosis) and ask one or two questions, both around the use of Base Rate, and Cognitive Bias.

An example of the difference between U3 Explore and LinkedIn approach to professional networking. I use LinkedIn regularly myself following the posts of the people whose opinion I value and from whom I learn. Today on LinkedIn, I came across a simple explanation of why building a Value Network that is assembled and promoted not by paid campaigns but by our personal experiences will save us from trouble. The bottom line is that paid advertisements do not guarantee the quality of advice or service. Reference-based relationships do.

Technical expertise and business acumen have differentiated sustainable performance among E&P competitors. 2020 First Quarter earnings results evidence the pressures that face the future direction of the global E&P industry. Capital discipline strategies have reshaped the forward outlook of companies and for industry professionals uncertainty will be foremost in their thoughts. What will emerge from this period?

Most professionals in oil & gas agree that the current industry crisis is going to be deeper than any of the previous ones and that it is going to last through 2020, without any significant improvements. Industry leaders have to make bold yet calculated moves in this new business landscape. In private conversations, different perceptions are shared behind closed doors, while the public industry gatherings offer mainly promotional information. It is unlikely that this industry is going to be able to emerge from this down-cycle without having honest conversations about its current state.

The success of oil and gas production from shale plays in the U.S in the last decade has also drawn attention to the most prolific source rock of the Neuquen Basin in Argentina, which is called Vaca Muerta Formation. Today, with approximately 110 MBls/d of oil and 1 Bcf of gas production from 1400 wells, it represents 5% and 23% of the total production of oil and gas of Argentina respectively.

It appears that statistical models today are substituting factual business analysis in decision making. People are trying to predict all possible outcomes of their models with little control and/or understanding of the parameters that are impacting the quality and reliability of the result. Over the last four years, oil and gas companies were focused on hiring data scientists, and Geoanalytics is often called to help. Yet, mathematical modeling of the physical processes is not a new concept.

This is a private initiative to recover and update the stratigraphical nomenclature based on digital validated geological resources. Why is important? The last 20 years have not been advancing in the geological and geophysical studies in Venezuela for Oil and Gas Industry. Political intervention since the Chavez Government did not invest to modernize institutions and universities, in consequence, research and advance in Geoscience knowledge have been limited inside the country.

This analysis uses the data collected over March 25th- April 5th. By the digital nature of our survey, the responses are biased towards technically enabled companies and individuals that were set up for occasional remote work. We analyze 1- the overall level of the system preparedness for such an extraordinary situation when the majority of the workforce is working from home, where the entire family is streaming homeworks, videos, and videoconferencing; 2- social aspects of the remote working; 3- feedback on the support provided for remote workers and ideas on post-crisis recovery

How do we prepare ourselves for the post-coronavirus world? Will the small businesses survive this? Will the dramatic cost-cutting exercises of corporations help them re-tool for the new future or will they just return to “business as usual”?

Understanding origin and distribution of natural fault- and fracture patterns in unconventional reservoirs is critical for successful exploration and production. In order to validate tectonic versus non-tectonic origin, influence of pre-existing deformation and fracture distribution, we use cumulative strain as a modeling proxy in a pilot study from the Niobrara FM., DJ Basin, CO.

We all agree that an accurate and viable geologic interpretation is critical for all exploration workflows. Nevertheless, validation through balancing and restoration techniques is undervalued with often significant consequences for project outcomes. Here is why we should balance and how.

This report contains an exploration review of Colorado Basin, located in southeastern Argentina, it has onshore and most extensive offshore sections with more than 125000 Km2 of total extension. The basin has more than 70 years of exploration history, with a few wells drilled, one of them recovered 39º API Oil from Early Cretaceous Syn-rift sandstone. Three main plays were identified, with high exploration potential: Rift Margin Play, Continental Slope Play, and Thrust belt play.

This presentation discusses the economic and technical aspects of developing conventional versus unconventional projects. Why oil firms should take on some conventional projects rather than only unconventional opportunities. In Senegal -SNE project we use as an example to explain capital efficiencies and resource assessment approach that allowed co-ventures to proceed to FID. Permian basin development approach to identify sweet spots and enabling technologies to reduce overall development cost. This material was originally presented for Actus Veritas Geoscience in a mini-conference 2017.

This course describes how to model overburden, fracture and pore pressures, and related in-situ stress field. Mechanisms of geo-pressure generation will be discussed, and how they impact hydrocarbon generation, and more importantly, how to define a safe well planning to mitigate the occurrence of adverse drilling events.

After five years of inactivity, cost management, and budget reduction, companies are now looking for growth opportunities in exploration and production during the low oil price environment. These Opportunities are to be found in a highly volatile business environment. In this presentation, we will discuss our proposal on how to address opportunities, data, risks, uncertainties, and dependencies to be managed during the selection of the best decision. This material was originally presented for Actus Veritas Geoscience in annual mini-conference 2017

Located in southwestern Argentina, it covers around 15000 Km2, with more than 10.000 ft. thickness in the depocenters. The basin has more than 100 years of exploration history started with the exploitation of 10 barrels a day from 4 wells in “Arroyo de La Mina” oil seepage. This report summarizes the new exploration ideas, based on geochemical data and outcrops description that allows the existence of a hypothetical new petroleum system. This idea generates high exploration potential in undrilled deep sections of big structures.

In 2019 Oil and Gas corporations were still focused on optimization of the individual processes often without shared value across the organizations. The digital era continues to generate large volumes of data which consists of both- noise and valid information. I think the key question for 2020 is-"How one can separate the information from the noise and make valid decisions?" and therefore, the question of the proper balance between digital and human capabilities in the decision-making process is still open in 2020

Definitions and keywords for Competency, Skills, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, and Employability Skills. Here are links to two references for applications and practical use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Examples (2), quite important for sport-liking people, are shown like the skills, the technologies, and results on MLB games, where the key to success is human passion. This work was presented at VAPA Venezuelan American Petroleum Association, November 2019.

Report about the 50th anniversary of the first publication about a giant accumulation of heavy oil in the Eastern Venezuela Basin. The Venezuelan geologists Jose A. Galavis and Hugo Velarde presented and published their work "Geological Study and Preliminary Evaluation of Potential Reserves of Heavy Oil of the Orinoco Tar Belt, Eastern Venezuela Basin", at the 7th World Petrol. Congress, Mexico, 1967. The Orinoco Tar Belt was defined as the zone about 600 kilometers long [365 miles] and 53 kilometers wide [31 miles], with a volume of heavy oil "in situ" estimated at 693 x 10^9 barrels.
![Report about the 50th anniversary of the first publication about a giant accumulation of heavy oil in the Eastern Venezuela Basin. The Venezuelan geologists Jose A. Galavis and Hugo Velarde presented and published their work "Geological Study and Preliminary Evaluation of Potential Reserves of Heavy Oil of the Orinoco Tar Belt, Eastern Venezuela Basin", at the 7th World Petrol. Congress, Mexico, 1967. The Orinoco Tar Belt was defined as the zone about 600 kilometers long [365 miles] and 53 kilometers wide [31 miles], with a volume of heavy oil "in situ" estimated at 693 x 10^9 barrels.](
The Cretaceous source rocks from East Venezuela - Trinidad - Guyana/Suriname basins, NE South America Stratigraphy, biostratigraphy and geochemistry data of Cretaceous source rocks from Eastern Venezuela Basin, South Trinidad, Guyana.

The Northeastern South American margin is defined by Eastern Venezuelan and Guyana Basins bound to the south by the Guayana Shield and Demerara Plateau. The Margin is emerging as a potential major petroleum province with recent discoveries made in the new play types in Guyana basin with a prolific Cenomanian-Turonian source rock and mostly clastic reservoirs of Cretaceous age. Hydrocarbon production from mostly clastic reservoirs exists in the Eastern Venezuelan Basin onshore for more than 100 years but there was no recent exploration activity offshore.

Presented at First HGS/EAGE Conference on Latin America, November 2019 The existing perceptions of the offshore Uruguay petroleum system assessment may be challenged by an analysis of the failure modes of three exploration wells drilled in the basin. This is an underexplored basin with a poor exploration record. Arguably, the wells tested prospect-specific locations but left other plays of interest untested.

Steven Zobell in his article published by Forbes magazine in March of 2018 estimates that in 2018 enterprises will invest $1.3 trillion USD in Digital Transformation projects to “improve efficiencies, increase customer value and create new monetization opportunities”. In the same research, Steven analyses the reasons why 70% of these initiatives will not reach the objectives. AVGeo specialists were involved in digital workflow improvement projects in 2018 and would like to share our experiences and see if the predictions of Steve Zobell were correct.

In this presentation, I've discussed human cognitive learning while working with different sets of Big Data in Petroleum Exploration workflows. An effective reduction in the volumes of Big Data without information loss, AI in seismic interpretation and spatial analytics, and a visual aggregation of the single-threaded evaluations into a comprehensive multithreaded business decision are required for delivery of successful exploration programs

There is a renewed interest in exploration for oil and gas in deep and shallow waters of South Atlantic. The hopes are high especially with recent exploration success offshore Guyana and Mauritania. Delineation of the basins and mapping the extents of the pursued plays are two out of several critical components of the comprehensive geologic analysis and are fundamental to exploration success. During the last decade, deepwater drilling in South Atlantic proved multiple assumptions of the earlier geologic models of continent-ocean transition inadequate.

The purpose of this study is to provide a pore pressure prediction from seismic data targeting unconventional gas plays (i.e., the Qusaiba Member hot shale and the underlying Sarah Formation). The area of interest (AOI) located in NW Saudi Arabia, and is covered by 1,600 km2 of 3D pre-stack time migrated (PSTM) data. The resulting pore pressure maps for the Qusaiba Member hot shale and Sarah Formation highlight potential drilling hazards. Importantly, areas of higher pore pressure may ultimately represent potential areas of higher gas production (i.e., sweet spots).