It took a hundred years of learning regional geology and moving from data collection to organized knowledge and insights, mapping geologic relationships and publishing them in books, reports, and bulletins in small numbers, often only in Spanish and only in Venezuela.To derive value from this knowledge for investors requires the diligent work of experts, building a network of relationships between different layers of historical information, converting the information into new digital formats, and applying modern analytical methods in a meaningful framework.

A statistically valid framework for the analysis of parameters has digital repositories designed for a specific business problem. For example, the Venezuelan Lexicon of Formations, published in 1997 by the Geological Society of Venezuela, was reviewed and upgraded to link with Geoportal maps that describe existing hydrocarbon fields, producing reservoirs, and new exploration plays. Information in U3D Venezuela Geoportal is organized with an understanding of new and historical outlines of the basins and assets, grouping information into logical, statistically valid sets with related parameters.

U3D Venezuela database has extensive attributes in Fields and Reservoirs tables and is designed on the analytical foundation of the Cossey and Associates product enhanced and rebranded under U3D. All deep water explorers of 2000-2020 are familiar with this worldwide analog database with searchable properties for turbidite reservoirs and corresponding depositional settings.
We categorized and analyzed the content for the U3D Venezuela database from the digitized books collected by our network. A few references of interest are:
- Bulletin, Venezuelan Association of Geology, Mining and Petroleum (AVGMP) 1959-1983.
- GEOS Magazine - School of Geology and Mines, Universidad Central de Venezuela 1959-2015.
- Bulletin of the History of Geosciences of Venezuela, Sociedad Venezolana de Historia de las Geociencias 1984-2021.
- Bulletin of the Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons 1951-1953.
- Bulletin of the Venezuelan Society of Geology 1951-2011.
- Venezuelan Geological Congresses, Sociedad Venezolana de Geológos (SVG) 1959-1997.
- Bolivarian Symposiums, Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofísicos de Petróleo 1982-2016.
U3 EXPLORE converted to digital more than 17,000 physical legacy documents, including institutional publications that are now scattered in academic and private libraries. The documents were used by U3 EXPLORE for in-house research. The documents are not for commercial sale.