More than 30 years of experience as a geoscientist,with a track record in frontier and backyard play-based exploration, and integrated reservoir management and studies for both new and mature oil and gas fields and business development of subsurface assets.
Passionate about effective teamwork as key vector to idea creation and case-specific workflow design, with flexibility to apply regional–to–local scale geoscience in exploration, production, new ventures, and decarbonization projects.
- Integrate geophysical, geological, and geochemical data to evaluate petroleum systems, define exploratory prospects, assess their key volumetrics, and estimate associated exploratory risk and geological uncertainty
- Carry regional to local scale geophysical and geological risk assessment of lithologic seals and other key petroleum system components for oil and gas reservoirs and exploratory leads and prospects and injection of gases and water.
- Visualize geological plays and construct predictive subsurface models to support critical decision-making in the context of subsurface resource projects, including oil, gas, and decarbonization projects.
- Define basin-scale tectonostratigraphic frameworks using and integrating data from seismic surveys, potential fields, surface geology stratigraphic trends, legacy information, exploration record, and petroleum system analysis in order to support gross depositional models and play fairways for reservoir, seal and source systems, basin compartments and geopressure regimes.
- Evaluate and assess production, exploration and decarbonization business ventures in the context of government bid rounds and business farm-ins, bidding assessment, and evaluation
- Carry G&G reviews of mature oil and gas fields in the context of energy transition–focused projects for CCS, ultimate recovery optimization and technology-supported asset re-exploration

- Creative and enthusiastic, self-motivated and passionate about geosciences and related new technologies.
- Natural integration skills, facilitated by his long run of basin analysis in multiple countries of South and Central America, Africa, and Europe.
- Proven team-building skills, focused on optimizing performance and output of team members regardless of technical specialty
- Life-time passion for nature, with a special interest in the geological, botanical, and zoological exploration of pre-Cambrian terranes of Venezuela and Colombia

Juan F. holds a MSc. in Basin Evolution and Dynamics and a Diploma in Geology from Royal Holloway University of London,a Geological Engineering degree from Universidad de Oriente of Venezuela and Integrated Reservoir Management from the Institut Francaise du Petroleo, Paris.
He started his career with Maraven S.A., an affiliate of PDVSA, moving through career – development positions in production, exploration and drilling engineering. Exploration assignments included Maraven´s exploratory campaign of the North Merida Andes thrust front, with a two – year spell of post-grad studies awarded by the Company. After that, mature reservoir modeling and re-appraisal, and finally leading a multi-discipline team to study new exploratory plays in mature fields in the Maracaibo basin.
With PDVSA took part as Senior geoscientist in Shared – Risk Contracts that carried exploration in Eastern Venezuela´s Gulf of Paria and led the Exploration Intelligence unit in charge of new frontier plays and geo-strategic studies.
Upon moving to Colombia, took active part as Technician and Exploration Manager in the successful Colombian exploration run of Pacific Stratus (later Pacific Energy and Frontera Energy). Also, managed exploration projects in Peru, Guatemala and Brasil.
In 2001 he founded the Exploration Geology courses at Universidad Simon Bolívar´s Department of Earth Sciences, which he has been teaching with a research focus on play visualization and risk analysis and uncertainty reduction.
NEW STRATUS ENERGY (June 2017 - present day)
Exploratory and production asset evaluation and business analysis.
Exploratory project management of assets in Colombia, Guatemala, Perú and Brazil. Took part as Exploration Project Manager on Pacific´s successful run of exploration in the Lower Magdalena, Middle Magdalena and Llanos Basin in Colombia resulting in the Araguaney, Guama, Lisa and Mauritia Este discoveries.
Evaluation and assessment of exploratory and production assets in Colombia, Peru, Sudan, Albania and Mali. Participation as technician and exploration manager in the company-making La Creciente, Puli and Mauritía discoveries.
ALP CONSULTING (2003 – 2004)
Exploratory analysis and assessment of offshore basins of north Venezuela, in Caribbean waters
Development and analysis of new plays and exploratory assessment of frontier basins.
PDVSA CVP (1998 – 1999)
New ventures analysis and technical liason with operating partners
MARAVEN (PDVSA) (1993 - 1997)
Production, appraisal and exploration geology: integrated studies and reservoir management. Mature field re-appraisal and exploration of new plays in mature areas
Post-graduate scholarship from MARAVEN: Diploma in Geology and MSc in Basin Evolution and Dynamics
MARAVEN (PDVSA) (1981 - 1990)
Offshore exploratory well site geology, production geology of naturally fractured carbonates and clastic reservoirs, drilling engineering and thrust front exploration and regional geology .
Lower Magdalena Basin Vol. 10 (2012) J. F. Arminio, F. Yoris, L. Porras, E. García, M. Di Luca y C. Mora 188p. Petroleum Geology of Colombia series : F. Cediel (ed.), Universidad EAFIT - ANH Bogotá (Book)
- Exploration Lessons from the Land of Magic Realism (2015) . J. F. Arminio. AAPG Explorer, May 2015
- Petroleum Geology and Exploration of the Guama Field, Lower Magdalena Basin, Colombia (2016) Arminio J.F., S. Talukdar, D.Ruiz, L. Castillo, J. G. Betancourt, M. Di Luca and S. K. Ghosh : Memoirs XII Simposio Bolivariano de Exploración Petrolera de Cuencas Subandinas, ACGGP, Bogotá Colombia
- Modelo Petrofísico Integrado, herramienta clave para la detección de yacimientos de gas condensado en capas delgadas y debajo permeabilidad. Cuenca del Valle Inferior del Magdalena. Colombia (2016) J. G. Betancourt, Arminio J.F., García E. y F. Yoris : Ingeniería Petrolera, Mayo 2016 v. 56, nº 5 p. 256– 276. Asociación de Ingenieros Petroleros de México. México D.F. ISSN0185-3899
- Estratigrafía Jurásica al Norte y Sur dela Falla de Oca: Norte de Colombia (2015) Bayona, G., C. Montes, A. Cardona, F. Lamus, J. Roncancio, O. Montenegro, H.Mahecha, G. Nova, P. Montaño, J. F.Arminio, J. Vargas, H. Niño, y V. Ramírez : Memorias, XV Congreso Colombiano de Geología. Sociedad Colombiana de Geología, Bucaramanga
- Seismic inversion and AVO Analysis Appliedto Predictive – Modeling Gas Condensate Sands for Exploration and Early Production in the Lower Magdalena Basin, Colombia (2014) Di Luca M., T. Salinas,J.F. Arminio , G. Alvarez, P. Alvarez, F. Bolívar and W. Marín : The Leading Edge Special Edition - Latin America September 2014, p. 936 – 943
- Evidence for Precambrian Stratigraphy in Graben Basins Below the Eastern Llanos Foreland, Colombia (2013) Arminio, J.F., F. Yoris, C. Quijada, J. Lugo, D.Shaw, J. Keegan and J. E. Marshall: AAPG International Congress, and Exhibition (ICE) Extended Abstracts, Cartagena de Indias
- Estimación de Riesgo exploratorio Aplicando Técnicas de Toma de Decisión Bajo Incertidumbre (2012) Yibirin, R. And J.F. Arminio Memoirs, XI Simposio Bolivariano de Exploración Petrolera de Cuencas Subandinas, ACGGP, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
- Exploración de Plays no Convencionales are Gas en la Formación Porquero de la Cuenca del Valle Inferior del Magdalena, Colombia. Paper 151 (2012) Leyva I., J.F. Arminio, R. Vega, J. Lugo, A. Dasilva y J. Tavella : MemoirsXI Simposio Bolivariano de Exploración de Cuencas Subandinas, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia ACGGP
- Incertidumbre y Valor de Información en Proyectos Exploratorios (2009) Yibirin R. y J.F. Arminio : Memoirs X Simposio Bolivariano de Exploraciónde Cuencas Subandinas, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia ACGGP
- Petroleum Geology and Exploration History of la Creciente Gas Field, Colombia (2009) Arminio J.F., R. Vega, F.Yoris, E García, G. Bertorelli and J. Lugo. Memoirs X Simposio Bolivariano de Exploración de Cuencas Subandinas, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia ACGGP
- Exploration Potential and Foreland Development of Andean Basins, North South America (2008) Arminio J.F. and J. Lugo: Memoirs XIV Congreso Geofísico Venezolano, Caracas Venezuela
- Exploration of the Pre-Paleogene Succession in the Cicuco High, Lower Magdalena Basin, Colombia (2006) Arminio J.F. and F.Yoris : Memoirs IX Simposio Bolivariano de Exploración de Cuencas Subandinas,Cartagena de Indias, Colombia ACGGP Paper no. 67
- New Insights on the Jurassic Rift Succession of the Merida Andes, Venezuela: Implications for New Petroleum Systems in Northern South America. (2004,) Arminio J.F., M. Hernández, A. Pilloud y F. Audemard) AAPG International Congress, and Exhibition (ICE) Abstracts , Cancún, México.
- Transecto La Blanquilla –Cratón Guayanes, Venezuela Oriental: modelos corticales. (2002) C. Giraldo,Schmitz M., Audemard F., Arminio J.F. and A. Martins : Memoirs, XI Congreso Venezolano de Geofísica,Caracas.
- Modelaje magneto-gravimétrico para estimar espesores del Pre-cretácico en el Graben de Espino, Cuenca Oriental de Venezuela. (2002) Ríos K., I. Rodríguez y J.F. Arminio: Memoirs, XI Congreso Venezolano de Geofísica, Caracas.
- Aplicaciones geofísicas y ambientales en la fase temprana de la exploración de la Fachada Atlántica Venezolana. (2002)Arminio J.F. and Parraga F : Memoirs, XICongreso Venezolano de Geofísica, Caracas.
- The Espino – San Fernando Rift Basin, Venezuela: new exploration Concepts. (2001) Arminio J.F., Audemard F. and Serrano I.: AAPG Hedberg Conference: New Exploration Concepts and Technologies, Mendoza Argentina.
- Basin inversion and foredeep growth:structural style and stratigraphy in the Mérida Andes foredeep, Western Venezuela. (1998) J.F. Arminio, F. Párraga and J. Lugo : Memoir IX Congreso Venezolano de Geofísica. Caracas
- Miembro caracol (Fm. León Oligoceno) y Formación Chama (Mioceno) in Léxico Estratigráfico de Venezuela (1998) Publicación Especial, Ministerio de Energía y Minas. Caracas p. 165 y 114
- Reexploración como nuevo proceso en el negocio aguas arriba: experiencias en la Cuenca de Maracaibo (1997) Arminio J.F., J.Figuera y T. Mata: Memorirs, VIICongreso Geológico Venezolano. Porlamar, Isla de Margarita.
- Marco estratigráfico del Eoceno B Inferior, Formación Misoa, Bloque III, Cuenca de Maracaibo: Implicaciones en la caracterización del yacimiento VLC100/949 (1997) E. Gamero, González G., J.F. Arminio, Herrera S. y Taha M. : Memoirs, I Congreso Latinoamericano de Sedimentología. Porlamar, Margarita. Tomo 1. p. 275 – 281
- Estilo estructural de la Cuenca de Maracaibo desde el centro del Lago de Maracaibo hasta la Sierra de Misoa: contribución de sísmica tridimensional al conocimiento de la Cuenca de Maracaibo (1997, Arminio J.F., E. Bueno, J. Zubizarreta, A. Growcott, B.Pirela, M. Araujo, R. Violino y C. Luzardo). Memoirs, VI Simposio de Exploración de Cuencas Subandinas. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia ACGGP Tomo 2, p. 215-219.
- Field Development and additional opportunities in an inverted thrust - fold system: the Barúa and Motatán fields, East Maracaibo Basin(1997) Zubizarreta J.,J.F. Arminio, P. Pestman, F. Cassani and G. Escandon Memorias, II Hedberg Research Symposium: Oil and Gas Exploration and Production in thrust and fold belts. AAPG-AMGP Veracruz, México.
- The Lamar sub-basin, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela: tectonic evolution and hydrocarbon habitat (1996) Arminio J.F. and A. Growcott II AAPG-SVG International Congress and exhibition (ICE) Caracas. Abstract in AAPG Bulletin v.80no. 8, p. 1269
- Evolución tectónica y hábitat de hidrocarburos del área Lama sur (1994) Arminio J.F., J. Zubizarreta y G. González) Memoirs, VII Congreso Venezolano de Geofísica. Caracas, SOVG. p. 384-392
- Geometry and Evolution of a Syntectonic Alluvial Fan, Southern Pyrenees (1993) Arminio J.F. and G. Nichols: I AAPG - SVG International Congress, and Exhibition (ICE) Caracas 1993. Resumen en AAPG Bulletin v.77, nº 2.
- Estratigrafía litológica y secuencial de la sección terciaria de Río Chama en el Flanco Norte de los Andes Centrales, Venezuela. (1990) Arminio J.F. and y G.P. Allen : Memoir V Congreso Venezolano de Geofísica. Caracas,SOVG. p. 244-251
- Geometry and Evolution of a Syntectonic Alluvial Fan in the Southern Pyrenees, Huesca Spain (1992) Arminio J.F. MSc Thesis submitted to Royal Holloway College, University of London,G. Nichols and K. McClay tutors
- Extensional drag folds in the Watchett Coast, Somerset (1991) Arminio J.F. Diploma in Geology dissertatuion submitted to Royal Holloway College, University of London, I. Davison tutor
- Influencia de parámetrosgeológicos en la inyección de agua en el yacimiento B-6-X-3, Campo Tiajuana (1981) J.F. Arminio y E. Ferrer. Geological Engineerinfg thesis submitted to Universidad de Oriente.Venezuela
He is also Associate Professor at Universidad Simon Bolivar, in charge of the Exploration and Petroleum System courses of the Masters course in Geosciences.