In January of 2020, we have launched a Virtual U3Explore community. It was envisioned and designed by a creative partnership of Actus Veritas Geoscience and code t3 founders.
It was before "COVID-19" became a word used in everyone's vocabulary daily. In February of 2020, most people in the USA did not envision prolonged implications to their business due to the virus and had a "wait and see "strategy. We saw it differently and focused on enabling the virtual conduct of the business for small and mid-size companies.
U3 Explore is now one year old, and here are the highlights of our first year.
U3 stands for Unlocked, Untold, Unfiltered stories of people with exploratory mindsets. These people have analytical and determined personalities. They like to collect information and figure out the meaning of their observations. They are proactive in preserving and communicating years of institutional knowledge in the integrated project delivery.
U3 Explore story had started in the fall of 2019 when it became clear to us that we have an incredible opportunity with virtual technologies available today to build a global market place for a quality multilingual technical community serving Earth science-based projects. It is not a co-location that defines the Best team but the quality of the team members: both professional and personal. We've learned by trial and error delivering uncharted projects in different geological settings and challenges and have accumulated lessons learned deployable in various technical projects. U3 Explore work is fueled by the experience, technology, ingenuity, and commitment to the shared purpose of the work we do.
Earth sciences and technology is a lifestyle for the professionals of U3Explore. Living 30+ years in the geoscience community and the oil and gas industry allowed us to make lasting relationships with many of our colleagues and invite them to become U3 Explore authors. Now they can create a variety of digital products and collaborate on technical projects using their 20+, 30+ years of experience in oil and gas and Earth sciences academic and industry projects and the technology partners.
We are proud to share our accomplishments of 2020 with you on the eve of a New Year 2021.
Our 2020 products:
Virtual short and full-length interactive events:
We find that people are starving for a conversation with knowledgeable people to bounce ideas and to share experiences. Our events are designed for professionals interested in continuous learning – invest in yourself, broaden exposure to the mentors and quality network, participate in engaging topical discussions.
Our facilitators: make relevant experiences and expertise count in the fast-changing business of 2020 and 2021
Participants: learn from interactions with forward-thinking authors with practical experiences– gain wisdom, not a baggage. Attend panel discussions, interactive analysis of the results of the conducted surveys, interviews, reviews of project delivery methodologies, and insights from look-back stories

E-store: purchase presentations, reports, services, subscriptions, items from the videolibrary of the events
The store is designed to provide direct access to the information and knowledge carriers, help with project planning and advice at critical decision points. Close the time gap created by a disconnect between the needs of internal project teams managed by HR process focused on skills and access to external Virtual Talent managed by procurement with focus on transaction administration.
Authors: self-publishing of the reports, presentations, subscriptions-individual and collaborative products, story-telling approach
Readers: Develop critical thinking and a resilient mindset, hire a private coach-expert (author of the content of interest) to assist you on your project

Private mentorship and project assistance or follow-up with the U3Explore authors and facilitators of the events:
Book a free introductory appointment with all registered authors of the U3Explore community

Any item with "consult with author" button will get you to the Author's calendar.

Our authors and facilitators: provide an external perspective and industry experience to support you on your project.
Clients: Develop critical thinking and a resilient mindset. If you wonder how to differentiate yourself in your organization with limited mentorship and training options- invest in yourself and use U3Exploreplatform to pull resources in when you need them.
U3Explore platform for virtual projects – crowdsourcing U3 Venezuela project.
The project is designed to support the sustainable exploitation of Venezuela's mineral resources, the deployment of renewable energy projects to satisfy energy and fuel demands, and progress the social development of Venezuela.

U3 Explore Venezuela Project core team: U3 authors with an emphasis on co-creation & shared project value
Clients: Assess Venezuelan projects' economics to de-risk investment into rebuilding the Venezuelan economy.
Technical design and delivery of the virtual business:
Provide technology-project road mapping for custom combinations of legacy, cloud, and web solutions appropriate for the data types of interest and business purposes.
Content publishing and sales; advice, creation, and publishing of all digital product formats; virtual project team deployments.
Clients: get practical and cost-effective professional advice on cloud solutions and integration, cloud-cost optimization, virtual project delivery

How to reach us?
Submit any inquiry at "Ask a question" at the bottom of the page on U3 Explore.