Digital Mapping in Business Communications
This webinar is designed for all levels of geospatial awareness. It is a perfect first step to get introduced to the definition of the geospatial datasets for synthesis and analysis; cartographic principles and generalizations for effective communication and/or analysis; follow modification of information precision and accuracy requirements through the lifecycle of the project. Modern maps could be designed as dynamic tools to be used as a query-enabled spatial database for geospatial analysis and visual communication.
Katya is one of the founders of Actus Veritas Geoscience and U3 Explore. She has more than 30 years of experience in the Petroleum Industry. Katya is a uniquely qualified professional with experience in geoscience, geospatial analysis, design, and implementation of specialized technical assessments and technologies in the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry. She is now applying her oil and gas subsurface characterization skills in decarbonization projects in regional and injection site assessments.
For companies contemplating a Basin Entry, whether it is a basin previously unexplored or a basin new to the company, a number of key questions come to the fore: Why? Does it fit with our corporate growth strategy and risk profile? Do we have a differentiated insight into the basin? Do we think it aligns with our capital exposure thresholds? How? Minimal Entry Cost/Later Expansion? Partner or Solo? How will we improve the likelihood of success (see “differentiated insights”)? What does success look like, or on the flip side When do we Know we have Failed? What is our dry hole tolerance? Basin and play exploration are inherently governed by the management of risk and uncertainty at the portfolio level. Exploration investment decisions biased by risk-averse teams are susceptible to first-order basin statistics which may reflect a historical “poor” exploration history and exhaustion of existing play concepts. New concepts, new models, new thinking, and consideration of alternatives often result in a paradigm shift despite previous negative results. We will review the Suriname-Guyana basin case study to discuss the required understanding of geology that leads to exploration success. We will share our experiences with acreage selection processes we have witnessed and participated in while working for a variety of E&P companies and examine how, by learning from the past as objectively as possible, we can improve the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Presentation at virtual session U3Explore. Author- Francia Galea Alvarez in collaboration with Irene Truskowski and Marel Sanchez- reviews oil and gas opportunities in the Eastern Venezuelan basin. She addresses the key value drivers in this super-giant basin to support Venezuela’s economic development of natural resources.

Juan Francisco Arminio discusses Oil and gas opportunities assessments in the Maracaibo basin. He focuses on key value drivers in this super-giant basin sharing his experience and knowledge of the subject. The efforts are aimed to create an accurate and reliable digital record of knowledge to support future Venezuela’s economic development of natural resources in the basin.

Live debate on statistical methods in petroleum basins assessments and comparisons. Recorded June 2020. The conversation has covered, base rate neglect, field size distributions, creaming curves, and conditions for statistically valid data sets.